Pay by Link

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Pay by Link is a reliable, convenient and secure payment method which allows customers to make payments by sending them a web payment link, meaning card details do not have to be shared over the phone or text message.

You can integrate Pay by Link through 3 alternative payment integration methods:

  • Payment Form
  • Server to Server
  • Plugin

  • SPG Payment Form

    Available Payment Methods?


    The gateway offers integration with major international card processing schemes such as Visa and Mastercard.

    Pay by Link

    Pay by link is a reliable, convenient and secure way to get paid by consumers and businesses alike. Merchants handling telephone transactions can benefit from this solution, while this payment channel opens up a whole host of opportunities for businesses of all sizes, across sectors. It allows customers to make payments by sending them a web payment link, meaning card details do not have to be shared over the phone or text message.


    BLIK is the most popular mobile payment system in Poland that allows users to make instant payments using only the user's standard mobile banking app. BLIK payments are convenient and safe – you enter the BLIK code and confirm the transaction with your PIN in the banking app. You do not have to log in to online banking, enter SMS passwords or provide your payment card details.


    How to get your credentials ?

    Below you can find instructions on how to get your credentials.


    Provided by Onboarding on your credential kit


    Provided by Onboarding on your credential kit

    Bearer / Access Token

    Provided by Onboarding on your credential kit

    Payment type

    For single message transactions - PURS

    For two-message transactions - AUTH

    Payment Method

    Selected when you sign the contract with your Acquiring entity


    Obtained on SIBS BackOffice, or provided by Onboarding team


    Obtained on SIBS BackOffice, or provided by Onboarding team

    Bearer / Access Token

    Obtained on SIBS BackOffice

    Payment type

    For single message transactions - PURS

    For two-message transactions - AUTH

    Payment Method

    Selected when you sign the contract with your Acquiring entity