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API Products


The Payments product provides you with APIs that allow you to integrate payments into online shops, schedule timely or recurring payments and trigger mass payments with just one authentication from the PSU.


Payment Initiation Service Providers with a PSD2 license/TPP certificate

API Payments

With SIBS API Market Payments APIs, as a PISP under PSD2, you may offer solutions to initiate, schedule and confirm payments easily, securely and quickly.

Initiate Payments

Initiate a payment, on your client’s request, using one of the payment instruments made available by the Bank of the Payment Service User.

Customer Authentication

The Bank validates the identity of the user before any payment initiation.

Corporate & Fintech Order

Choose which Payment instruments to offer from the options made available by the user’s Bank.

Schedule Payments

Schedule one-time or recurring payments using the same seamless experience as in the bank’s interfaces.

User’s choice

The user can decide which Bank and payment account to use.

Payment Status

Get the current balance of an account, as well as a balance on a previous date.

Included APIs
Payment Initiation

Initiate a payment, integrate payments in online stores, provide personal finance and liquidity management services.

Periodic Payments

Schedule PSD2 compliant one-time or recurring payments using the same seamless experience as in the bank’s interfaces.

Bulk Payments

Initiate a bulk of payments with just one call to this API, and just one PSU’s authentication.

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